Yellow Camera Club

In Spring 2015, BA (Hons) Photography students from Hereford College of Arts (HCA) worked in collaboration with residents at West Eaton Residential Home to create a thought-provoking, new intergenerational photography based project.

Over a series of ten weekly sessions, HCA students worked with a group of residents to explore their worlds through the lens of a camera. Each session had a focus on a different type of photography, from still life to documentary, self-portraits to editorials. The Yellow Camera Club project explored identity, self-reflection and how we can all learn from one another.

Residents kept the cameras throughout the project and documented their day-to-day lives. These images give the viewer a unique insight into their perspective and experiences living at West Eaton, from the changing seasons in their picturesque Herefordshire setting, to the day the circus came to visit!

Work made by both students and residents was exhibited at The Courtyard from 21st May 2015 for 3 months. This exhibition was well received and widely praised for bringing the work of older people to a wider audience, challenging the expectations of the capability and experience of older people living in a care home.


This project is part of the Creative Ageing intergenerational programme, and could not have taken place without the very kind support of the Glencora Fund.

The project left me totally amazed as the residents had never heard of digital cameras but took to them like a duck to water. The residents enjoyed the company of the students every week; the photos they took were inspiring as every week there was a different theme that caught everyone’s imagination.

Rita Graham, Activity Co-ordinator, Yellow Camera Club

I have really enjoyed doing this project and working with the residents. I have had such a great experience with them; I would definitely do it again.”

Danielle Sowter, Student, Yellow Camera Club