Creative Community Champions

Creative Community Champions is a programme that provides a library of creative toolkits that Champions can access to run high quality art sessions with older people in their community.

Our Champions receive training in delivering various visual arts sessions to groups of older people in day centres, community groups and supported living. Champions come from a variety of backgrounds, including care workers, artists, volunteers and group leaders whom we support in delivery of creative activities at a range of levels of dexterity, creativity, mobility and mental agility. They have enjoyed having tried-and-tested ideas provided for creative sessions, the opportunity to try-out various kits they might have thought of buying, been able to gather ideas of ways that kits can be used for a variety of outcomes.

Training afternoons are run by professional artists, teaching each creative kit to Courtyard Creative Community Champions. These Training afternoons run through selected creative kits providing thorough support in delivering sessions with the kits. Once this training has taken place the kits are then available to borrow.

Coffee Mornings with Creative Community Champions provide demonstrations on the quicker to learn and do creative kits, provide a chance to catch-up, share experiences and get feedback. Much more than that they are a warm, welcome and inclusive community meet-up which inspires and invigorates attendees including us!



Block Print
Screen Print
Lino Print
Mono Print
Creative Paper
Rubber Stamping
2D Ceramics
3D Ceramics
Metal stamping

Coming soon…

Please get in contact with our Creative Community Champion Coordinator to find out more.

 At the heart of these art sessions is a feeling that being creative gives us a sense of profound satisfaction, happiness and social connection. There is a great personal reward when we engage in making art, it makes us feel good.’

Jeanette, Artist

“Excellent session, I learnt new skills and met new people” 

Jenny, Newton Farm Community Association participant